Landit: Increasing success and engagement for women and diverse groups in the workplace.

Despite recent progress, only one in four C-suite leaders is a woman, and only one in 20 is a woman of color.

While more than 65% of women under age 30 want to advance into senior leadership, too many of them don’t get a promotion and step up the first career rung. Executive coaching has historically been reserved for senior management, and just a limited amount of resources are focused on developing talent earlier in their career. Landit integrates personalized online learning, AI-pathing, and live 1:1 coaching to democratize access to career advice, management, and advancement. They increase the success and engagement of women and diverse groups in the workplace by providing members a tailored experience with tools, resources, know-how and human connections to advance and navigate their career.

By developing and retaining women and diverse groups in the workplace, Landit helps foster diversity of thought, which creates better outcomes for both business and society.

Q & A with Landit

What motivated you to found your company?

I founded Landit as a result of my own personal experience. I found myself at an inflection point after over a decade as a venture capitalist, and the process of trying to figure out what was next was really challenging. But I soon realized that I wasn’t the only one trying to figure this out, and that there are millions around the globe who feel stuck or unclear on their next steps. We all face and ask the same question: Where do I start?

Why did you choose to partner with Valo?

We were thrilled to partner with Valo because we wanted an investor that brought more than just capital. Each member of the Valo team is committed to our success and willing to do everything from making introductions to serving as a thought and strategy partner. The expertise and experience of everyone is something we not only respect, but also know can only accelerate our milestones and success.